How to get to Stupkalnis
The nearest airports to Stupkalnis are in Vilnius, Kaunas, Riga and Palanga.
Take A1/E85 from Kaunas or Vilnius to Klaipeda or from Klaipeda to Kaunas. Unless you travel with a commercial vehicle (truck or van) you do not have to buy vignettes or pay Lithuanian road tax in any other way. After 205km from Vilnius, 108km from Kaunas, or 108km from Klaipeda you should take A12/E77 to Šiauliai. Then after 20km take road 2104 to Kražiai. From Kražiai to Stupkalnis only 2.6km left, so here you can use Google Maps or others to get to Supkalnis (
You can go by bus from Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda or Palanga to Kryžkalnis. The shuttle might be organised only during the courses, during other times please drop us an email at a couple of days before your planned trip.
Bus timetable you can find here